Thursday, February 16, 2006

Our Dossier is on it's way to China!

We got the official notice from AFC that our dossier has been sent on 2/16/06! We just await our log in date (LID). Below is the the email from Lin Jing, Associate Director of China Program :

Congratulations! I am writing to let you know that your dossier had been sent to China today, February 16, 2006. When it reaches China, it will be logged in to the China Center of Adoption Affairs (CCAA) database and begin processing in about 2 weeks. Currently, we cannot predict exactly how long your wait time will be. But our last group received their referrals after 8 months’ wait. You will receive our updates as soon as we hear anything from CCAA. You can also log on to CCAA’s website for updated information on processing time (<>).