Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 9-Paperwork Day & First English Word

Today was a quiet day.  The weather was hot and humid but it rained a lot.  It is very tropical feeling here and tends to rain a bit everyday but today we had an actual thunder and lightening storm. 

Justin spent most of the morning completing all of our paperwork for the Consulate.  While he did that, Siena and I ventured out to do laundry and poke around a few shops.  We then headed to the play room and met up with a couple of her buddies.  She is doing better with sharing but needs to be reminded that hitting is not allowed.  She is definitely not a wallflower and is not afraid to let her peers know if she is unhappy with them!

While in the playroom Siena said her first English word (or the first one I understood) as one of her buddies was leaving.  She stood up, blew her a kiss and said, "bye"!  It was very funny and neat to finally understand a word that she is saying.  I am sure she is frustrated that we don't know what she is talking about 90% of the time. 

This afternoon I went with our facilitator, Minhau, and Sanna and Thecla to the jade market.  It was actually quite nice and different than I expected.  It was set up like a department store and there are different grades of the jade.  Grade A is the best and of course I liked the jade in those cases much better but the prices are definitely much steeper.  I bought a few things including a necklace and pair of earrings for Siena for a future birthday or special occasion.  We were the only ones in the store so it was very nice not to be over crowded with people. 

Tomorrow we may head off to the pearl market and check out that scene. 

Thank you all for your blog comments and emails.  We have received them all and appreciate all of the well wishes!


Anita Hedges said...

Hey guys, it's been so great reading all of your stories and seeing the lovely pictures each day! I find myself looking forward to the "next fix". Sounds like you're all having a great time and are getting to know one another as a family. Enjoy the last few days of your trip! Take care, Anita

Ushi said...

As Anita says - it's so good to read about your adventures, and see your pictures! Thanks for sharing them with us! :) Ushi

Angie said...

Hey guys, Mom forwarded me your blog info and I have really enjoyed reading it. I just wanted to send well wishes from Matt and I. Sienna is adorable and you two seem to be natural parents. Enjoy the rest of the trip ~ Angie